PVR-150 IR Blaster on MythBuntu 9.10 with Dish Network
Upgrading to MythBuntu 9.10 from 9.04 was a challenge on some respects but the biggest of the challenges was getting my PVR-150 IR Blaster working.... again. I don't know why Ubuntu loves to break this thing on every upgrade but they do. Thanks to Jimmybondo for the bulk of this work.
- sudo apt-get install lirc-modules-source
- cd /usr/src/lirc-0.8.6
- wget http://www.skynet.ie/~shabba/zilog.diff
- sudo patch -p0 < ~/Downloads/zilog.diff
- sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc-modules-source
Now edit your /etc/init.d/hardware.conf file and replace lirc_pvr150 with lirc_zilog and you should be set.
If you're not upgrading from MythBuntu 9.04 and/or don't have the rest of your configuration files, you can refer to my prior post for what your lircd.conf file needs to look like. You may also need to add the following to hardware.conf:
Labels: blaster, dish, IR, mythbuntu, mythtv, set top box, ubuntu
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